Naïve, But Activist
(Chief Justice Roberts et al.)

How very naïve of Roberts and Kennedy
To think partisan donors would ever own up
And admit that they've paid to get Angle elected.
Not all donor wives have signed a prenup.

Kennedy writes that with full disclosure
There's no need to limit what donors can give,
Nor who the donors and recipients are…
But Karl Rove to O'Donnell? Why live and let live?

Unless the POTUS steps into the breach,
Secretly sanctioning IRS leaks.
It's prob'ly too late to do much for his midterms
But look for some great post-election critiques.

Consider the impact of this activist court.
Incumbents who find they are being out-spent
Are often the ones who have been there too long
And, like Mitch Just-Say-No, past the age of consent.

So what will this activist court do for encores?
From within their own ranks, a spouse and wife team?
No… When Roberts divorces, he'll wed a gay brother
Fulfilling a social conservative's dream.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Roberts Court rulings on campaign finance
       reveal shifting makeup, forceful role'

To 'Secretive Koch Donors'
To 'The Messiah from Nevada'
To 'Karl Rove: Christine O'Donnell said 'nutty things'
To 'Lobbyist Karl Rove'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'The Battle Cry of a Supreme Court Wife'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
