Not Larry Summers Again
(Obama's prescription for another disaster)

Why would Obama attempt to negate
The efforts of Elizabeth Warren to fumigate
Wall Street's notorious crooks and its cronies
By appointing one of the financial world's biggest balonies

As the abrasive head of the Federal Reserve?
Larry Summers, an enabler of the two thousand and eight
Financial mess, along with his cohorts, Geithner and Rubin,
Would be a selection that is most inappropriate.

Ben Bernanke has been quietly doing his job.
So who needs Larry Summers as the spokesperson
     for a Goldman Sachs mob?
He won't help Elizabeth do what needs to be done.
If Summers is nominated, someone dial 911.

Save Larry Summers for a Republican day.
Keep him and Rubin far, far away.
Let Rubin hire him for one of his banks
So when it fails, the world can say, "Thanks."

Bob Carlson

To 'Notorious sexist with notoriously bad judgment
     is reportedly top candidate for Fed chair'

To 'Senate Democrats push Janet Yellen for Fed chair'
To 'The 21st Century Glass Steagall Act'
To 'L.Summers - "Boy Economist"'