Oily Orrin Paves The Way
(How soon can we tar and feather Oily Orrin Hatch?)

Creepy Orrin sounds oily, but he has for years.
Big Oil bought and paid for him a long time ago.
You would think they'd have replaced him long before now.
Can it be that they're waiting till we give them more dough?

Can't we make arrangements to pay Orrin directly
If he'd sit in the back and would keep his trap shut?
We all know which Johns Orrin Hatch is a whore for,
So why is he so publicly kissing their butt?

A few years ago Orrin kissed private insurers
Whose causes in Congress they paid him to tout.
Before that he kept his son's steroid precursors
From being blacklisted and getting thrown out.

He's as entrepreneurial as a bald Donald Trump
Who'd trademark his hairdo if he thought it would sell.
Could Orrin have conned Aetna into insuring
His gift from BP: his very own well?

Why worry about Mitch in the hills of Kentucky?
He'll have his own still, thank you very much.
As they've done for Orrin and other Republicans,
The Oil Mafia's blessed him with its Midas Touch.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Orrin Hatch Defends SUV's, Minivans
       and Oil Company Tax Breaks'

To 'Creepy Orrin Hatch Verses'
To 'Orrin Hatch On The Take Verse'
To 'The Lobbyist Congress'
To 'How One Pill Escaped the List of Controlled Steroids'
To 'Congressional Nutjobs Verses'
To 'Oil Industry Mafia Verses'
To 'Tax Breaks and Oil Subsidies Verses'
