Old Mac's For-Against It
The old man's ambiguous straught-talk

My Friends:
Whatever I have been against, you'll find I now am for:
Torture, tax breaks for the rich, a war like Bushie's war.
What am I For-Against today? Depends what time you ask,
As well as in whose favor I've been told I need to bask.

Basking is essential when you get to be my age,
While For-Against is mandatory to masquerade as sage.
Age I've got, but sage I'm not. I blame it on the 'Cong.
For years they reassured me I was always in the wrong.

My heroism learning this by now should be a blur.
Too bad I can't stop telling folks how brave I was in stir.
Now because I know I'm wrong, it's terribly essential
To claim that I am For-Against and thus more presidential.

I'm For-Against most ev'rything that voters care about.
That way no one can make the claim that I'm now selling out.
I'm forced to try ambiguous and offer my consent
To ev'rything so Lieberman can make me president.

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'