Olé Molé, Obama
Bushie's Mexican war

Olé Molé, Obama, Bushie's Y chromosone
    induced fighting for Blackstone but not Calderone.
Poppy's Blackstone oil profits have since gone to hell,
    but, to Bush, Calderone was a mere bagatelle.

South of the border we've our own Pakistan
    with cocaine cartels, Mexico's Taliban.
But Blackstone's investments hinged on mid-Eastern oil,
    and with big bucks at stake can a son be disloyal?

So, Olé Molé, Obama, you've a third Bushie war,
    while he borrows chairs as his prime household chore.
Were they musical chairs? Did they let Bushie sit?
    As cartels invade Texas, will he claim they're legit?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Legacy of Lies'
To 'Bushie, Warrior Wimp'