One Witch Or Two?
(What is The Constitution's take on witch burning?)

America's worried. Did Christine learn enough
When she dabbled in witchcraft back in her teens?
Karl Rove had his doubts when she ran against Castle.
And seemed to imply that she didn't know beans.

Apparently Karl is a fairly slow learner.
Now it would seem that he also was wrong.
She'd been running for office like it seems forever.
Campaign contributions were how she got along.

It's hard to imagine she was unknown to Karl.
That's how he makes his living. They milk the same game.
He has to have known she dabbled in witchcraft.
To maintain that he didn't, is a pretty lame claim.

Especially in light of his "Pledge to America"
Which makes many wonder if one witch is enough
To make good on all of those G.O.P. promises
To reduce the deficit and still keep the good stuff.

Not raising taxes on their rich two percent
Is a must for campaigns that rely on the rich
To keep their political hookers in office.
What if voters decide to burn Rove and his witch?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Slouching Toward Washington'
To 'Christine O'Donnell: "I Dabbled Into Witchcraft"'
To 'Karl Rove: Christine O'Donnell said 'nutty things''
To 'The G.O.P.’s ‘Pledge’'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Secretive Koch Donors'