Orrin Hatch
Did the booby misunderstand Johnny Cash?

For years I've wondered why I find
    in every Senate batch
The Senator I dislike most
    is always Orrin Hatch.

There's no lack of competition.
    Inhofe and Bunning come to mind,
And with almost every C-SPAN
    a new 'blessing' for mankind.

But what I see in Orrin Hatch
    that sets the creep apart
In that talented fraternity,
    he's made creepiness an art.

He's a spurious do-gooder
    who views hypocrisy
As the only way he knows of
    to screw with democracy.

Do citizens of Utah see
    his Jekyll, not his Hyde?
Or is "Slippery" so oily
    he repels their fungicide?

And now he gets an op-ed piece
    published by The Post,
With statements that he doesn't see
    reduce his views to toast.

It fails to mention all the times
    he's reconciliated,
Passing bills for which he's been
    quite nicely compensated.

Is his head stuck in the sand?
    Can't he recognize a lie?
Why's he still relying on
    ghost writers in Dubai?

Yippee-yi-ya, yippee-yi-yo,
Ghost writers in Dubai.

Bob Carlson

To 'Orrin Hatch'
To 'Politicians For Hire'
To 'Republicans'
To 'Reconciliation on health care''