Our Call?
Congress singing to the Kander & Ebb tune
"I Move On" from "Chicago"
(When trukin' down the road of life…I just move on)

Was Alabammy hammered
    for refusing to play ball?
    Not our call…
Is Nebraska being treated
    to an undeserved windfall?
    Surely not our call.
Wil we remove the subsidies
    for Nelson's ethanol?
    Is that our call?
Will Harry Reid be jailed
    for robbing Peter to pay Paul?
    Why not? After all…

Whatever compromise it takes –
However we've been wooed –
Like we've been telling Tiger,
Don't let it be you who gets scewed.

To be one-upped by one corrupt,
    unprincipled scuzzball –
But two like Reid and Nelson?
    It may be time to end it all.
What other stunts will they
    have tried before they fall
Victim to their stupid parliamentary protocol?

Music by John Kander
Original Lyric by Fred Ebb
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid & Associates'
To '10 Red States Now Questioning Nelson Deal'
To 'Deep in Health Bill, Very Specific Beneficiaries'