Paul Ryan's "Death Panels"
(For old "rich" people could backfire)

Paul Ryan, the Republican Geek, tries so hard
Just to keep up that it doesn't seem fair.
He lacks Boehner's tan and Mitt's Irish setter's,
Reputation for riding on car roofs for fresh air.

But it's Paul's failed attempts to compete with Obama
That seem so pathetic and are so hard to watch.
Obama's "death panels" got so much more attention
That Ryan may have to rev his up a notch

And put more restrictions on vouchers for seniors,
And point out how many aren't able to save.
Grampa is sick; has no income or more vouchers?
Give him a shovel; let him dig his own grave.

But look how Trump's fortunes have risen and fallen.
"Rich" people can have their ups and downs, too
Let's just suppose some invested in TEPCO.
Compensating Japan's sure to bankrupt a few.

Like "rich" Grammas and Grampas that Paul's counting on
For campaign donations for the Tea Party cause?
Well, when they get sick without enough vouchers,
The Geek and his Think Tanks will be grasping at straws.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Will Anyone Even Insure Seniors
       if Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Passes?'

To 'Mitt! Mitt! Mitt!'
To 'Donald Trump Gets Weirder'
To 'TEPCO to pay provisional damages
       to people hit by nuclear crisis'

To 'Ryan's Vouchers End Medicare Verses'
To 'Rich People'
To 'The Donny Dope'
To 'Paul Ryan's Republican Mayhem' Verse
