Paul Ryan's Republican Mayhem
(Do we dare to rely soley on Allstate to save us from mayhem?)

Watch how most voters slam Tea party freshmen.
They're naturally worried about Ryan's weird stuff.
Coupons or vouchers instead of Medicare?
Can his numbers be trusted? Is there nearly enough?

What if folks live longer than Ryan's expecting?
Will private insurers want to take on the risk,
Suspecting that medical needs of the elderly,
Compared to the young, might be overly brisk?

What if no one sells seniors what they can afford?
Will Ryan be hanged like Saddam Hussein?
Would hanging his effigy be satisfying?
Or will sickly constituents make Paul share their pain?

The Congress became more concerned with its safety
As soon as Gabrielle Giffords was shot.
And quite justifiably probably lots more so
For those backing Ryan than for those who are not.

Cutting health costs by not treating the elderly
Has stirred up more anger than Palin's death panels did.
You have a Ryan supporter in mind?
Chances are you've already been badly outbid.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Paul Ryan's Absurdly Optimistic
       Budget Projections Draw Widespread Ridicule'

To 'Will Anyone Even Insure Seniors
       if Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Passes?'

To 'Congress mulls stepping up security'
To 'Medicare Plan puts GOP on Defensive'
To 'The Longevity Game'
To 'Paul Ryan: Baby Geek'
To 'Paul Ryan's Death Panels' Verse
