Obama's Gulf War –
Pigs Is Pigs
Why does Congress worship Them?

Hey, let's have a show of hands.
Who is for and who's against?
Should we subsidize Big Oil?
Does the thought get you incensed?

This is a Democracy.
Don't we get a chance to vote?
How many beaches, birds and fish,
And kids should we pay Them to coat?

What? You say They bought the Congress,
And even this Administration?
Hey, let's hold a referendum
Where 'We, The People' save the Nation

From the clutches of Big Oil;
From politicians They have bought.
Let's do away with tax incentives.
Make Them make do with what They've got.

And while we're at it, let's take back
Tax benefits for leasing rigs.
Hasn't this spill shown what happens
When we let our pigs feed Them pigs?

Bob Carlson

To 'Tax Breaks & Oil Subsidies'
To 'Oil Industry Mafia'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Oil & Gas Campaign Contributions'
To 'As Oil Industry Fights a Tax,
       It Reaps Billions From Subsidies'

To 'Pigs is Pigs' by Ellis Parker Butler (Complete)
To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'