Pitchfork Party Protests
Against Bankers, Blankfein and Blackwater

Will pitchfork party protests
    prove sufficiently disturbing
So it's bankers and not pitchforks
    that Obama ends up curbing?

Or will he once again appease
    his team of Goldman bankers
And end up in a Zucker-mess
    of cranky late night anchors?

What are the odds he'll panic
    and employ Blackwater guards
Who can't be held accountable
    for deaths in our backyards.

As hit men for the CIA
    they're judged outside the law
And seem to pop up ev'rywhere
    like bumpkins on "Hee Haw."

Experienced at Whac-A-Mole,
    Lloyd Blankfein is perplexed.
If they're not after pitchforks,
    he knows he should be next.

Bob Carlson

To 'Obama's Rhetoric'
To 'Goldman's Blankfein'
To 'Blackwater Mercenaries'
To 'The Bankers on Obama's Team'
To 'A year after the biggest bailout'