Planning A Retirement?
(Arizona's exciting but dangerous)

Does the prospect of early retirement sound boring?
Days and nights of Parcheesi seem too slow a pace?
Then the venue you want is in Arizona –
High noon in Tombstone: the time and the place.

Arizona's Jack Harper makes the dubious point,
"When everyone carries, nobody gets shot."
If he had said that at the OK Corral,
Guess what kind of reaction the dummy'd have got.

He'd have had to be pretty damn light on his feet,
Dancing in boots barely touching the ground,
Risking a hole through the sole if they did,
Finding his gun control views a tad unsound.

So are undertakers excited? You betcha.
Their pay's so much better than at 7-Eleven.
But why risk your Gramma and Gramps' golden years
In Arizona's mock Gateway to Heaven?

Still Harper's real genius is concealing the weapons
In pockets, in suitcases, in backpacks and purses.
So how fast a draw is Grandma from the latter?
Did we mention Arizona's brisk business for hearses?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Arizona's us-versus-them brand of politics'
To 'In Tucson, Guns Have a Broad Constituency'
To 'Arizona Shootings Trigger Surge in Glock Sales'
To 'Gun City, USA'
To 'The Glock 19 and the Laws'
To 'The Republic of Arizona's Mayhem'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
