"Political Money Grubbers"

(They're still at it, including Greg Ball)

Why spare a dime for the Political Money Grubbers
Help take the bucks out of our politics.
Money Grubbers, meet your match. Meet a grubber snubber,
For politicians and lobbyists and Money Grubbers
All employ the same slimy tactics.

It's late in December when its hard to remember
How little Money Grubbers did for us this year,
Except to e-mail and phone us, try to skin and debone us,
So we would contribute as elections drew near.

Elections are over, but Money Grubbers in clover
Still are insisting they need more or they fear
Their causes won't flourish unless we see they're nourished
With tax-free deductions through the end of the year.

Plus they'll double all contributions, if we donate this week.
But if they've got the doublers, why continue to seek?
Hells Bells, Money Grubbers, can't you be satisfied?
Take the money you've got and cross us off as died!

Greg Ball needs money. You think he writes these laws for fun?
Is he ashamed that he's so frightened that he carries a gun?
If you were looking for the easiest family to rob,
Would you tackle the home where they're loaded and ready?
I wouldn't think so. Can you help us find Greg Ball a safer job?

Political Money Grubbers, you're wasting your time.
There's no way I'll spare Grubbers like Greg Ball a dime.

Bob Carlson

To 'N.Y. officials, newspaper duel over gun data'
To 'Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names,
     addresses of gun permit holders'

To 'Double your campaign contributions for the next 10k!'
To 'Florida Republicans Admit Voter Suppression
     Was The Goal Of New Election Laws'

To 'Rob Woodall: End Federal Gun Laws'
To 'Why Republicans Don't Care What The Nation Thinks'
To 'Put armed police in every school, NRA urges'
To 'Senators Reid and Feinstein Believe
     Concealed Carry is OK for Them!'

To 'The 5 Deadliest Guns
     You Can Buy Online — Legally'

To 'What Americans Should Learn
     From the 'Republican Apocalypse''

To 'John Boehner: Fiscal Cliff Problem
     Requires Senate To 'Act First''

To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians Verses'
To 'More NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'