Predicting Goldman's Demise
Based on a cornucopia of sins

A show of hands among alums
    says Goldman Sachs will fail,
That Blankfein and his croupiers
    will all end up in jail.

The risk of litigation that
    securitizing was
Intended to eliminate
    has barristers abuzz.

Joint ventures with originators
    won't be hard to prove.
They wrote the sales brochures
    before the lender made his move.

By shorting CDOs they wrote,
    they may have crossed the line
Between a life with Bernie
    and a billion dollar fine.

As even more hedge funds continue
    selling Goldman short,
Will former Goldman CEOs
    be free to sway the court?

Or will they also be suspect
    for having pulled the strings
Designed to make their former firm
    the king of Wall Street's flings.

Flings like warrant buybacks
    for a billion dollars plus
Before they hit the next pothole
    in Cramer's quick buck bus.

Has hubris immunized the lads
    against the subprime flu?
Only while Ben's "discount window"
    fuels their derring-doo.

Bob Carlson

To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'High Frequency Trading Is A Scam'