Propping Up The Losers
As Gingrich and the TV networks panic

Ever wonder why a network
    would waste any time at all
Interviewing idiots
    whose party dropped the ball?

Yet Sunday talk shows feature
    dummies Thompson and McCain,
Hoping we'll forget they're part of
    Cheney's smear campaign.

But polls still show approval of
    Republicans is falling,
Which is to network CEOs
    financially appalling.

Who will pay to advertise
    if ev'ryone's a Democrat?
Network bottom lines will plunge
    despite Les Moonves claims they're flat.

With campaiign ads eliminated,
    Goodbye, Pay TV.
Hello, uninterrupted flicks
    and remotes Mute button free,

Assuming Les will censor
    drug commercial side effects
So Gingrich needn't worry
    about how he'll please his next.

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'Media Flacks'