Protecting Obama's Legacy
Taking care of two birds with one stone

Why must his future hinge upon
    Karzai and Desiree?
Think how one bold move could make
    the both of them go 'way.

The key's appointing Desiree
    Ambassador at Large,
Knowing Karzai's paranoid
    and needs someone in charge

Of bodyguards who'll know for sure
    whomever she's invited
And recognize faux socialites
    who might be feeling slighted.

Why would Salahi contractors
    indulge in party crashin' –
Parties in a palace where
    our Desiree's in fashion?

Of course they will, but there's no way
    she'll have to testify.
Dead secretaries don't tell tales
    about assassins in black tie.

Bob Carlson

To 'Afghanistan'
To 'Corruption by Karzai'
To 'Karzai’s Paranoid World'
To 'Desiree Rogers: Social Secretary Or Socialite?'