Redirect NSA Spying
(To banks too big to jail)

We worry about banks that are "too big to jail"?
And we worry tha NSA might divulge what they know?
But if NSA would tell us who bought what and why,
Those untouchable bankers might start to eat crow,

And look to regulators for some kind of protection.
What would transparency do to their status quo?
If Big Brother's watching and not keeping secrets,
It's bound to wreck havoc with someone's cash flow.

So don't fault Big Brother's ability to spy.
Instead let's concentrate on redirecting his aim
Focus their spying on Citi, Goldman and Chase.
Publicize the chicanery of their confidence game.

Try trimming the fins of the banks' trickiest traders
With complete transparency many will take our money and quit.
Without their sharks and us as their victims
Big banks will downsize and, if we're lucky, may split.

Bob Carlson

To 'The Beginning of the End of Too-Big-to-Fail'
To 'Eric Holder, "Too Big to Jail,"
     and the Ghost of Arthur Andersen'

To 'Obama Cans Regulator Who Crossed Wall Street'
To 'Amanda Renteria To Be Nominated CFTC Chief
To 'The Patsy' a Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Bush League Banks and Bankers in Rhymed Verse'
To 'Investigate Booz Allen Hamilton, Not Edward Snowden
To 'More Spying in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More on Bushie's Snooping Policy in Rhymed Verse'