Republican Censors
Boehner, McConnell and Limbaugh

Is hating MSNBC
    like Mitch McConnell does
Sufficient reason not to keep
    TV the way it was,

At least for sev'ral months or so
    till more folks are prepared
For the day HD becomes
    the only kind that's aired?

He thinks that not deferring
    the mandating of HD
Might somehow save O'Reilly
    from Rush radiocrity.

But even Rachel Maddow
    can't be seen by rabbit ear
And satellite or cable's still
    the only way to see'er.

So how'll we know who voted
    not to save the power grid?
Can Rahm be stopped from pointing out
    who didn't and who did?

Kentucky without power
    won't see or hear Emanuel
While Mitch lets Rush take credit for
    blowharding it to Hell.

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'Mitch McConnell'