Rewarding The Elderly and Ailing
And Wall Street

Are you elderly or ailing?
    Or even better maybe both?
Acquire more life insurance,
    then cash it in because you're loath

To pay the higher premiums,
    and certainly could use the cash –
Forget that "cash surrender value"
    life insurer balderdash.

The gamblers you'll be dealing with
    will pay much more than that;
Then turn around and sell it to
    a Wall Street technocrat,

Whose computers have deternined
    how to best securitize
Your policy with others
    till ev'ryone who's insured dies.

The sooner that occurs, of course,
    the more investtors make.
Irregardless, Wall Street gamblers
    will receive a handsome take.

Like with sub-prime derivitives,
    no way can big banks lose.
The government will bail them out
    of unexpected long adieus.

You've used "stranger owned insurance."
    You've cashed out and let them pay
Until a Wall Street credit crunch
    tempts Lloyd to spirit you away.

Bob Carlson

To More Life Settlements
To More Blankfein
To 'Wall Street Pursues Profit in Bundles of Life Insurance'