Rick's West Texas Bake-Offs
(Featuring Old Blood & Guts)

Don't be falsely accused in Rick Perry's Texas.
He'll be only too happy to have you bumped off.
Guilty or innocent? It doesn't much matter
If he can preside at his cowboy Bake-Off.

His "ultimate justice" is very barbaric
And as painful a killing as he can devise.
If possible you will become West Texas roadkill
To be eaten by West Texans and West Texan flies.

Anti-this, anti-that, he'll be perfect for Texas
When we give it back or let him secede.
How long will it take for Mexican drug lords
To decapitate him and get up to speed?

But if you end up there, please don't drink the water.
It might contain traces of Rick's blood and guts,
Which surely will be a great tourist attraction,
Advertised nationwide as West Texas cold cuts.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To Frank Rich: 'In Praise of Extremism'
To 'Texas Carries Out Controversial Execution'
To Gail Collins: 'Perry’s Bad Night'
To 'Executed by Rick Perry Verses'
