RICO For Senators
Judgement Day for the hookers

Will plans for using RICO
    catch the Senate by surprise
And not just cut the deficit
    but change some "nays" to "ayes"?

Senators use many ploys
    with which they cook the books,
But their mistake has usually been
    assuming they're great cooks.

How many have reported
    all the lunches they've been bought,
Or the prices they're demanding
    for copies of the mug shot?

Quid pro quo no longer toll free?
    No one dares to pass the cup?
Or dares to think that lobbyists
    will care enough to give it up?

Will your state be a favored state
    whose Senator is RICO'd
For racketeering backroom deals?
    It's not a pretty row he's who'ed.

Are millions more in Medicaid
    worth a tearful Leahy cry?
When RICO targets special deals,
    goodbye, Vermont, goodbye.

Chris Dodd demands a hundred mil
    that other states won't think amiss?
Shouldn't he be squeezing Goldman
    for necessities like this?

On and on the kickbacks go
    or else they won't play ball.
Perhaps the threat of RICO
    will help to end it all.

But don't expect teabaggers
    to cry or take offense
At watching RICO'd Senators
    turning tricks to pay their rents.

Bob Carlson

To 'Harry Reid & Associates'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Senate, Obama spar over health plan's pet projects'
To 'White House backs down on health bill deals '