Right-Wing Extremists
(Are we losing them?)

Advertisers gun shy about right-wing talk radio?
El Rushbo stands an excellent chance of being canned.
If Limbaugh, the foul mouth, finds himself at risk,
That doesn't bode well for his political band.

What does that signal to Cruz, Graham and Paul?
Will Limbaugh's demise throw them for a loss?
First it was Bushie and then it was Romney.
Now they're in danger of losing their "Boss".

The public is tired of their misinformation,
Tired of their slander and do nothing stance.
What do they think they're in Washington for?
To drink? To party? To cheat on their wives? To dance?

How likely are we to miss the whole kit and caboodle?
How much do we miss Goldwater, Nixon and Bush?
Who remembers what any one of them stood for?
All we recall is they were pains in the tush.

Joe McCarthy and now Limbaugh both egging them on,
Accomplishing virtually nothing at all.
Ditto McConnell, John Boehner and Cantor,
But especially Graham, Cruz, 'Bobby' Jindal and Paul.

Bob Carlson

To 'Cumulus CEO hits Limbaugh
     while reporting $2.4 million revenue loss'

To 'Rush Limbaugh worries that Amanda Berry’s baby
     might have gotten welfare'

To 'Other Media Flacks in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'