"Ringling Bros. Mistreating Elephants"

(Read the investigation and weep…)

In addition to mem'ries elephants have mothers
Who protect them just like yours did,
But not at Ringling Rrothers where
The FDA helps keep mistreatment hid.

Separated from their mothers way too early,
With moms and babies cruelly beaten
When they commplain childhood's too fleetin'.
No wonder they at times act surly.

Surly rarely warrants beatings they get.
Bullhooks pierce the toughest hide,
Creating wounds Ringling's denied.
Wounds their FDA'd like to forget.

Ringling's owner too big to sue?
And like some banks too big to fail?
Obama, now's the time for you.
Send owners and trainers directly to jail.
And their FDA? Perhaps them, too.

Bob Carlson

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