Obama's Gulf War –
Risks, Baby, Risks
Anything to keep from revealing the flow

Risks, Baby, Risks for the world's worst Drill Babies,
Where catastrophe beckons for guys down on their luck –
Where BP's still gaming their same old same old,
Jeopardizing the Gulf just to make a quick buck.

Repeating the top kill most know as "bullheading",
They'll be using the same old equipment that failed.
They'll never finish those expensive relief wells
And until it explodes, brag "Risks-Baby" prevailed.

From eight to nine thousand pounds per square inch –
That was the pressure that they'd hoped to see
If their blowout and top kill had not badly damaged
Their cheapie well casings and first BOP.

But they're celebrating sixty-eight hundred
As if nothing failed when they know that it did.
They're ignoring all seepage and two Blow Out Preventers
About to tip over with their "tight-fitting" lid.

Home Office attorneys have sent Kent the word:
"Whatever you do, never restart the flow.
Give Admiral Allen the false impression
That there's not a thing we don't want him to know.

"Let him think we have data we're planning to share –
Flow information that won't come to light
Except in a courtroom many Salazars later
When only our shysters are still willing to fight."

Bob Carlson

To 'Rift Grows Between Government and BP'
To 'BP Top Kill Redux'
To 'BP "Test" - Gush, Baby, Gush as We Wait, Baby, Wait'
To 'BP Hopes to Keep Gulf Well Closed'
To 'Salazar's MMS Chicanery'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'