Rubber Duck Charlie
Two squeaks for Yes; one squeak for No

I'm Charlie Rangel and I've been here too long.
But no way I'm going away on my own.
I'm eighty years old and could die tomorrow.
I belong in the Senate but I'm not that well known.

That recent New Yorker says those guys have it made.
And if I changed parties, I'd be working for Mitch.
What politician wouldn't welcome the chance
To do practically nothing just by making the switch?

On that side of the aisle I could be just a body
With my cute rubber ducky and one aqueak to vote No.
I've recorded my speeches at seven and a half,
So at three and three-quarters they'd be GOP slow.

Filibuster material as Mitch would acknowledge,
They'd want me around till one hundred and five.
After that what's the problem? Just squeeze my ducky
And swear to the Democrats I'm still alive.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Charlie Rangel vows to stay and fight'
To 'After one-on-one with Obama,
       McConnell vows to slow White House agenda'

To 'The Empty Chamber - Just how broken is the Senate?'
To 'That Republican Congress'
To 'Mitch 'Just Say No' McConnell'