Sarah Saves The Savior
The Late Night rescue

My Friends:
The Senate was surprised to see me
    suspend ev'rything for them
By rushing to Chris Dodd's assistance
    with the winning stratagem.

The two most frequently asked questions were
    "Who are you?" and "You again?"
To which I've answered, "I'm The Savior
    of the country, Hank and Ben."

Deregulation is what got us
    where Hank Paulson claims we're at.
As soon as I announce I've flip-flopped,
    we'll solve this in nothing flat.

I'll gladly face the consequences,
    Though as I put my country first,
I've come to realize my choice of
    Sarah Palin was the worst.

My lobbyists' consensus was that
    Sarah Palin had the stuff.
A month has passed and now we're doubtful
    that this bit of fluff's enough.

At least the lines we'll feed to Sarah
    as she garbles her debate
Should keep Letterman distracted,
    forgetting how I ducked our date.

Bob Carlson

To 'A Hockey Mom's Voting Ploys'
To 'Bushie's Heck-of-a-Job-Henry Paulson'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'