Scalia Protects Covert Koch Brothers
(Why not disclose a donor's identity?)

Are billionaires proud or ashamed of their antics?
When they rob a bank, guess for whom it's renamed?
But when they steal elections they prefer anonymity.
Who wants to be seen as the one who gets blamed?

Buying elections used to be frowned upon
As undemocratic and worth jail time if caught…
Until "Justice" Scalia's gift to billionaire friends
Of permission to spend ev'rything that they've got

On 501(c)(4) organizations so we won't know
How much they have given to buy what they want
Like no regulations controlling pollution,
Or naming rights to Delaware and Vermont.

"Citizens United" has allowed Koch corporations
To use organizations like CCPS
As conduits for their campaign contributions
While remaining in hiding from "Elliot Ness".

Thanks to Scalia there are now no restrictions
On what News Corporation or Koch Industries gives.
So anonymous donors buy our politicians
What are Democracy's alternatives?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Supreme Court Decision Encourages Money-Laundering'
To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'The Secret Sponsors'
To 'Donor Names Remain Secret as Rules Shift'
To 'Court's Ruling in Citizens United vs.
       Federal Election Commission'

To 'Billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama'
To 'The Billionaire's Party'
To 'The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O’Donnell'
To 'Secretive Koch Donors'
To 'News Corp. Donates $1 Million
       to U.S. Chamber of Commerce'

To 'Murdoch's Malign Monopolies'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Chamber of Commerce Money Laundering'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'