(Three branches of government? Nonsense.)

Mitt thinks he's won it? So did Al Gore.
Show him, Black Hoodies! Show Mitt who's keeping score.
Don't let him slip by you, you old buckets of bolts.
You guys want the blame if the Tea Party revolts?

Looks like he'll make it at the Tampa convention.
That's when you guys step in: Divine Intervention.
Until you do, only go out at night,
    and be sure to be wearing your hoodies
ALEC's sharpshooters all have been taught
    that you guys can't be depended on to be goody goodies.

Protect yourselves at all times. Bring your Glocks.
Or better yet, maybe, an Uzi under your frocks.
You might even consider wearing full body armor,
But please not old-fashioned steelplate. That noise: an alarmer.

And while you're down there get in on the action,
But, please, we implore you, don't let it become a distraction
From reading those laws you're supposed to be judging.
We've witnessed more than enough of Scalia's fudging.

Still, place your bet! Place your bet!
Who and how many will ALEC sharpshooters get?

Bob Carlson

To 'Lazy Scalia's SCOTUS'
To 'G.O.P Tampa Tantrum'
To 'ALEC: Ghostwriter & Lobbyist'
To 'Paul Ryan's Etch A Sketch Romney Verses'