Sorry, Martha's Vineyard Folks
Wind farms vs. Crazy Cheney's BP oil slicks

Sorry, Martha's Vineyard folks –
Another one of Cheney's jokes.
Iraq and Gitmo? Only starters –
Now you'll see his broken hearters.

You tried to stop those wind farms
    and their towering aesthetics.
But are they worse than oil slicks
    and BP's apologetics?

How long before the Gulf Stream
    starts to help Miami share
With you the BP oil slicks
    Miami finds that it can spare?

Obama doesn't need to drill.
    Dick Cheney beat him to it.
With no failsafe acoustic switches,
    BP's Halliburton blew it.

Switches cost five hundred thou
    but they are not required.
Agreeing to exempt them
    should have got Dick Cheney fired.

Anywhere else BP drills
    they are forced to use 'em.
But not in our United States
    where Cheney still pooh-poohs 'em.

But looking on the bright side,
    we do like tuna canned in oil.
So they claim your pre-oiled shellfish
    is much easier to broil…


How many incumbents are we going to miss
Whose "Drill, Baby, Drill" has resulted in this?

Bob Carlson

To 'Crazy Cheney'
To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Dick Cheney and the oil spill'
To 'BP's containment problem is unprecedented'
To 'AGs for 5 States Talk Legal Strategy for Oil Spill'