South Carolina Losers
Addison Graves Wilson Sr. & Marshall Clement Sanford Jr

When we hear "South Carolina",
    our reaction is, "Oh, no!
Isn't that the state that lets
    its losers run the show?"

Where Addison Graves Wilson Sr.'s
    mommy is to blame,
And Southern aristocracy
    will never be the same.

Was Addie not brought up to be
    respectful of superiors?
Aren't Carolina mommies taught
    to whup their sons' posteriors

Whenever they speak out of turn
    and disrespect their betters,
In a state becoming famous for
    Republican trendsetters?

A Kruschev temper tantrum
    that only lacked the shoe,
Yet was the next best thing a barefoot
    Southern boy could do –

An absence without leave
    to pursue a Latin lover,
Unaware his marriage and career
    would not recover –

Are any fools applauding them,
    especially the bit
That none of this is reason for
    louts like them to quit?

Mark's Peronist affiliation
    hasn't gone that well,
Though Addie's Commie immitation
    does fine despite the smell.

They've made South Carolina
    someplace no one cares to go,
A Cheney undisclosed location,
    "Home to Mark and Joe."

Bob Carlson

To Republicans
To 'So Much for Civility'