Spooking Qaddafi And Child Exploiters
(About morals and murals)

Qaddafi goofed. He thought Barry was dawdling.
Not so at all. He simply didn't let on
That he had OK'd the use of his James Bonds
To see how much turmoil the rebels could spawn.

Thank goodness enough to forestall the slaughter
Of most of Benghazi's young women and kids,
A horror Obama didn't want on his conscience.
Only Koch puppets don't care who's on the skids.

Look how they're supporting our red state dictators
With nary a hint that their Learjets will strafe
Qaddafi and any of the Chad mercenaries
He's instructed to rape every Benghazi waif.

So don't be surprised when we learn that Obama
Is loosing his spooks on the Brothers Koch.
With a secret finding against removing murals
That tells them and LaPage that it's not okey-doke.

To wage war against Maine's child labor laws,
Promoting replacing adult workers with kids.
Migration from Maine by the next generation
Will show life's about more than which state underbids.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The War On Child Labor Laws:
       Maine Republicans Want Longer Hours, Lower Pay For Kids'

To 'Maine’s governor orders removal
       of mural depicting labor history'

To 'Red State Nutjobs'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'Secret Koch Boy Conspiracies'
To 'Nostrobama: The Dawdler'
