Still At It?
(BP. Royal Dutch Shell and Statoil?)

Haven't we had enough trouble with British Petroleum?
Now BP's suspected of conspiring with Statoil and Shell
To jimmy the prices they're reporting to Platts,
Inflating not just oil prices but gas prices as well

Much the way LIBOR did for the big banks:
Mark up a few of the last trades for the day
And wonder of wonders – shout Hallelujah!
For those in on the scam, it's Anchors Aweigh!

Prices go up; the consumer's no wiser.
For it's not what we think: not suppy and demand.
It's price manipulation regulators aren't on to.
Big oil flexing its muscle shows it's still in command.

Price regulators and regulations have little effect.
The public gets screwed. We still use fossil fuels.
Until we get wise and switch to renewables,
Big Oil's got us all by the family jewels.

Bob Carlson

To 'Investigation Into Oil Industry Price Rigging
     Mirrors LIBOR Scandal

To 'If 'everyone knew' the oil market was open to rigging,
     why did no one act?

To 'Tell your Rep. what you think of their vote for KXL'
To 'More Oil Mafia in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More British Petroleum Incompetence in Rhymed Verse'