"Suppressing The Vote"

(Wayne's way next time?)

Much has been made of suppressing the vote
Now for most ev'ry technique there's a good antidote.
Check that no lists are illegally purged.
More voting machines where minorities surged.

So Wayne is alluding to what his shooters could do.
Shoot up the locations where opposition exists.
Take out a few voters where an official insists,
Or a whole kit and caboodle or two.

When word gets out about who's been taken out,
Watch the panic begin and suppression set in.
Where they had many they'll be doing without.
When'd you last see a Republican grin?

Wayne might start with Glocks and a Browning or two,
But wait till you see what his Bushmasters do.

Local cops might resist with their canned pepper spray,
But will be no match at all for Wayne's NRA.

Bob Carlson

To 'Florida Republicans Admit Voter Suppression
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