Tackling Their Longevity
Supreme Court Justices, and then…

What is it with these Justices?
    Don't they get a pension?
Why can't appointers specify,
    "For Limited Retention"?

Why are Justices reluctant
    to admit they should retire?
It's not as though there aren't a few
    replacements we could hire.

Our founding fathers screwed up
    with that lifetime tenure bit,
Assuming euthanasia
    would always be legit.

But it's not and thanks to Palin
    and her fake death panel scare
The Supreme Court's being fossilized
    and Sara doesn't care.

Corporations are enamored
    of today's state of affairs –
A court full of old codgers
    who're completely unawares

Of the damage they are doing
    for which we need a quick solution –
Quicker than it'd most likely take
    to change the constitution.

What's required is a reversal
    of the Ponce de Leon
Fountain of eternal youth
    so a Justice can't hang on.

Scientists must find a gene
    that shortens the lifespan
Of candidates for Justice
    we can feed them with their Bran.

Failing that, how tragic if
    we have to clutch at straws,
Like Kennedy and Stevens banned
    from watching Doctor Oz.

View it as the price they'd pay
    for screwing me and you.
For Justices and Senators
    what's another year or twenty-two?

Bob Carlson

To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'Roberts: Presidential Speech 'very troubling''
To 'Supreme Court Strikes Down
       Key Campaign-Finance Provision'