Tea Party Scams The Military
(No pay for our troops?)

The Tea Party is willing to not pay our troops,
By forcing a United States Government shutdown.
Determined to bury Obamacare,
They don't care who they hurt in their role of rodeo clown.

When our troops finally get home, who will they be gunning for?
Those rodeo clowns who sent them to war,
Then shutdown the government so they wouldn't get paid?
Will each wear his mask? Will they be that afraid?

Unidentified? I don't think so.
Each is a Tea Party idiot we know:
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Tom Cotton,
And that Floridian-Cuban, Marco Rubio.

Bob Carlson

To 'Tea Party to Republicans: Shut Down the Government, or You're a Sellout'
To 'Rodeo clown wears Obama mask at Missouri fair,
     draws Republican and Democratic criticism'

To 'More About Politicians for Sale in Rhymed Verse'