"The One" vs. Number Two
Some septuagenarians have problems

John McCain's advertising Obama's "The One",
    which seems like a major concession.
Judy Miller is gone, still we checked with The Times
    for a semi-official impression.

Maureen Dowd reports women are finding "The One",
    "elegant, sleek, cool, lanky and svelte",
A most apt description of Barack Obama
    whose pants don't need more than a thirty-inch belt.
He's the envy of many whose diets have failed,
    or whose DNA dictates a far larger expanse,
But who, from the rear, often look like McCain,
    the septuagenarian with a load in his pants.

Obama stands tall with a graceful demeanor;
    little Old Mac has an ungainly stance.
Instead of striding, he leans forward and shuffles,
    mostly because of the load in his pants.
Some might ascribe it to years in captivity;
    'tis said inactivity can cause a stoop.
But those near Old Mac report that their noses
    are detecting the odor of more McCain poop.

Some seniors regress to toddlers aged two
    depending on the circumstance,
But isn't it is better to vote for "The One"
    than for someone who'd do Number Two in his pants?

Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'