The Paul Ryan Farce

(With his Mickey Mouse-like toupee)

Every two years the G.O.P. gets a chance
To announce to the world that they're no longer buyin'
The unpopular farce that put the ants in their pants,
The fantasy budget cooked up by Paul Ryan.

Budget busting was fun when he was spending with Bushie.
Deficit boosting was in vogue during Bushie's regime.
Suddenly no longer for them when Obama took over.
Their Sugar Daddies might be taxed? They told Ryan to scream.

Why are Republicans suckers for Ryan's con game?
So Mickey Mouse's toupee and Paul's look the same…
Do some gals, besides Minnie, think that makes him pretty?
Or, like Minnie Mouse, wish his tail weren't so damn itty-bitty?

Which farmer's wife used her carving knife
To cut off his tail thinking Paul was as blind
As those G.O.P. mice leading a congressional life
Of trying to thwart bills Barack would have signed?

Bob Carlson

To 'How The GOP’s Golden Boy Works His Con'
To 'The Legendary Paul Ryan'
To 'Mickey Mouse images'
To 'Ryan Shrugged'
To 'Paul Ryan's Vouchers End Medicare Verses'
To 'Republican Puppets Verses'