The Senate Increases Your Co-Pay
So CEOs of health care plans can make more millions

How much should CEOs
    of health care plans be compensated?
More than U.S. Senators
    who beg for their largesse?
Enough so sixty-one, at least,
    can be manipulated
To think that fifty mil a year
    would not be in excess?

Manipulation comes in many guises,
    some of which they don't report,
Like how the Bushies snookered Gore
    and bribed Scalia's Court.

With such a high percentage
    qualified for Medicare,
Old Senators should abdicate
    announcing that they're through.
With former wives remarried
    and progeny elsewhere,
Why sponsor private health care plans?
    Well, prostituting's what they do!

Bob Carlson

To 'Doctors'
To 'Harry Reid's Congress'