The Withington Solution
To the Republicans' Limbaugh and CNBC's Kudlow

He's still reeling at the loss
    of J.A. Withington III.
Larry Kudlow's been in mourning
    ever since he got the word
That one of Goldman's leading traders
    revelled in the drop.
As he passed the twenty-second floor,
    he still was talking shop,
Still upset The New York Times
    called for transparency
In the bailing out of Wall Street,
    Limbaugh's home of c'est la vie.

The pathetic look on Kudlow's face –
    he's lost the will to smile –
Ignores the fact that J.A. chose
    to end his life in style.
His jump from forty stories up
    was, he thought, the best way to reject
The lemming way Republicans
    now choose to genuflect
To the crazy, loud-mouthed bastard
    who wished Obama ill.
How sad that Limbaugh's mother
    was too young to take The Pill.

Bob Carlson

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