Their Timing's Been Bad
(What do Wayne LaPierre and Trump have in common?)

Wayne LaPierre's NRA is distraught.
Osama's death's denting their membership drive.
It's hard to instill fear of Osama bin Laden
When he's on the wrong end of a Colt 45.

Commemorative stamps that Wayne has had printed
As reminders to join for your family's protection
Now need a hole punched in Osama's forehead.
Will prospects object to this slight imperfection?

Holes in his stamps may solve Wayne's stamp problem,
But prob'ly won't work for Donald Trump's ties.
A hole in the center of Osama's forehead
Is not a symbol all Fathers will prize.

We hope that most Mothers will see holes as folly,
But have Macy's buyers who've not yet become Mommies?
Macy's Trump ties on-line are already on sale.
Were they overpriced? Does he think we're all dummies?

New editions of Trump ties will all feature Grover,
Instead of a bullet marked Osama face,
Printed in ink Trump is claiming's not washable
Making it easy for Dads to erase.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Osama bin Laden buried at sea
       after being killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan'

To 'Congressional Puppeteer Grover Norquist'
To 'Donald Trump ties made in China '
To 'Donald Trump Silk Ties at Macy's'
To 'The Donny Dope'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's N.R.A. Militia Verses'
