Timid Tim Geithner Negotiates
(Tax cuts for the rich)

Oh, no! Not Timmy! He's not on our side.
There goes our deficit with tax cuts for the rich.
How could Obama pick Timid Tim Geithner?
Tim's a closet Republican kowtowing to Mitch.

Negotiate? Nonsense. Tim will give it away.
He's protecting the millions he'll make when he leaves
As a Goldman employee or filthy lobbyist
Openly joining the Brothers Koch den of thieves.

His Wall Street connections mean much more to Timmy
Than income equality. After this he'll be rich.
So why would he mind if we hate the name Geithner?
To a non-hist'ry buff, it may make sense to switch.

With additions to what Timmy is paid off the books
He'll be dancing around like The Cat In The Hat.
But Shakespeares to mock him no longer exist
And who'd want to play someone as weak-kneed as that?

Extending Bush tax cuts will mean years of pain
As our grandchildren pay China what Mitch gives to the rich.
But what does he care if it "takes out" Obama?
Why, oh why didn't Delaware vote for their witch?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Obama Appoints Geithner, Lew to Negotiate on Tax Cuts'
To 'From WikiChina'
To 'Wall Street's Timid Tim Geithner'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Secretive Koch Donors'
To 'Lame Duck Obama'
To 'Lobbyist Pimps'
