Two For Yes, But Just One For No
Efficient foot dragging as taught by Charlie and Mitch

The impact on C-SPAN's been truly astounding.
It began when New Yorkers switched Rangel and Schumer
Then Rangel switched sides just to play games with Mitch,
Which, sad to say, is no longer a rumor.

Schumer out of the Senate brought the noise level down,
But Rangel's cute rubber duck votes were the shocker:
Two long squeaks for Yes, but just one squeak for No.
Who knew that he'd still be that far off his rocker?

But the practice caught on, with just half of the squeaks
There would have been if it wasn't for Mitch.
It's been a long time since that side of the aisle
Felt a need for two squeaks, so who's going bitch?

But old Mitch McConnell, as always efficient –
You know Yes contains one more letter than No
Found sqeaking was keeping his members awake
So fewer and fewer were choosing to show.

So his great contribution to increased attendance,
That could only be dreamed up by someone like Mitch,
Is instead of one squeak on his cute rubber ducky,
All a GOP senator needs do is twitch.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Charlie Rangel vows to stay and fight'
To 'After one-on-one with Obama,
       McConnell vows to slow White House agenda'

To 'The Empty Chamber - Just how broken is the Senate?'
To 'Rubber Duck Charlie verse'
To 'That Republican Congress'
To 'Mitch 'Just Say No' McConnell'
To 'Mitch'