Two Thousand Twenty-four
Did Nostrobama guess wrong?

Way to go McChrystal!
    Looks like you'll be there forever.
Pace yourself. Your troop pullout
    is looking more like never.

Two thousand twenty-four's the date!
    Isn't that a bitch?
That's how long you'll be involved
    in scratching Karzai's itch.

You first went there eight years ago.
    God knows when Karzai started.
So let no man cast assunder
    what fate's fickle fingers charted.

Who knew the Afghan people would
    become so fond of you
They'd want you there to celebrate
    your own Dien Bien Phu?

Does it matter who kills whom?
    Your spokesmen can't agree,
When does Karzai think they might?
    Late two thousand twenty-three.

Yet Gates sounds more like Wolfowitz:
    "As poppy prices rise,
Our Karzai Brothers costs won't be
    what they would be otherwise."

At least if Congress says OK,
    it won't be them the burden's on.
Happily the fates will see
    all those old geezers dead and gone.

Bob Carlson

To 'Afghanistan'
To 'Corruption by Karzai'
To 'McChrystal's Mendacity'
To 'Afghan Says Army Will Need Help Until 2024'