Vindictive Old Men
Palin assesses her future

You ask what I got out of this? A lousy reputation
As a Mom without a clue about insemination,
Together with abiding fear that I'll be sent to jail
And the grim discovery Old Mac won't go my bail.

For I've been warned that I am on Joe Lieberman's hot list
Of those too close to Russia and thus a likely Communist.
I'm his candidate for Gitmo as soon as something opens up
And both of Barack's kiddies are rewarded with a pup.

Please pray my cell is near Old Ted's so I can keep in touch
And learn how pork protects old crooks from having to go Dutch.
But Old Mac recommends Liz Dole as a cell-mate's
     dream come true.
For each conjugal visit, Bob takes Viagara for two.

Bob Carlson

To 'Obama's Election Aftermath'
To 'Palin's Ploys'
To 'Old Mac's Ploys'