Wayne LaPierre's Alaskan Wingnuts
(What about Mama Grizzly's baby cub?)

How weird that Joe Miller's security goons
Seem not to have heard of Wayne LaPierre,
And vice versa. For in the excitement
Wayne forgot Mama Grizzly left a baby cub there.

One who was going to need lots of protection –
One that aggressive reporters could stump –
One who would want a Berlin Wall in Texas –
One who'd campaign with his head up his rump.

That makes it terribly hard to be questioned.
How can reporters be sure they've been heard?
Yet a head up a rump has been a prerequisite
So wingnuts like Miller can have the last word.

But handcuffs and leg irons were never Wayne's thing.
There's no blood and gore like when someone gets shot
On purpose, or, failing that, simply by "accident"…
Is there closure with handcuffs? Usually not.

And it's closure that Wayne's armed militias are after –
"Closure" of government aid and largesse –
The stimulus kind that Mitch and his minions
Are knocking, but continue to budget for nevertheless.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Right Wing Militias and NRA Soulmates'
To 'News Editor Detained by Security Guards
       for Alaska Senate Candidate'

To 'Reporter Detained by Joe Miller's Security Guards Speaks Out'
To 'Playing All the Angles'
To 'The Rage Won’t End on Election Day'
To 'Extremism in America'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'