Wayne LaPierre's Angle
(Will Joe Miller listen to his elders?)

Who should Joe Miller employ for protection?
Boorish, amateurish, oversized local goons?
Or Wayne's semi-professional well armed militias?
Why go with the goons when you could use buffoons?

Does Joe feel abandoned? Is he grasping at straws?
Is his campaign in danger? Mama Grizzly's not there.
He should learn from his elders and try Sharron's angle.
She believes in militias armed by Wayne LaPierre.

In Joe's case he may need a lot more than one
Since he's being asked questions concerning his past.
Most Senate candidates can't get enough air time
But Joe has a penchant for sounding half-assed.

Could Joe be hiding some Mafia connections?
Sharron's not said he looks that Italian to her,
But Joe's code of silence raises suspicions.
Ignoring omerta could cause quite a stir

And require more protection than locals can give.
Their knowledge of law is as bad as Christine's
For they think Ginni Thomas can give them the right
To handcuff informers who might spill the beans.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Right Wing Militias and NRA Soulmates'
To 'News Editor Detained by Security Guards
       for Alaska Senate Candidate'

To 'Reporter Detained by Joe Miller's Security Guards Speaks Out'
To 'Playing All the Angles'
To 'The Rage Won’t End on Election Day'
To 'Extremism in America'
To 'Wayne LaPierre's Militias'
To 'Group Allied With Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank
       Threatens Armed Insurrection'

To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'