Wayne LaPierre's Corporate Strategy
(Did their late CEOs approve his message?)

Who did they say Wayne LaPierre was recruiting?
Whose wife tipped him off that he has a green light
To arm corporations whose secret donations
SCOTUS decided were their legal right?

Couldn't Ginni foresee the dire consequences
And risks from employees CEOs chose to fire?
How dumb to cut costs just to make contributions.
She must have guessed Wayne would arm those they'd rehire.

But who knew which bosses did the outsourcing
And were most likely to come under attack?
Prob'ly the very same well-armed rehires
Wayne knew wouldn't get their prior jobs back.

But in corporate militias they'll get the minimum wage
Which wingnut Republicans say they'll reduce.
If they're successful, we can picture them panicking
As Wayne's right wing militias are put to good use.

Outsourcing their jobs has been OK with Boehner,
But didn't he guess "the guys" might hold a grudge?
That claims that a shooting wasn't intentional
Might be "believed" by an unapproved judge?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Right Wing Militias and NRA Soulmates'
To 'Group Allied With Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank
       Threatens Armed Insurrection'

To 'The Battle Cry of a Supreme Court Wife'
To 'Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues'
To 'SCOTUS: Supreme Court of the United States'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Scalia's Court'
To '"Hell, No" John Boehner'