Wayne LaPierre's Militias
("Will SCOTUS and Wayne approve of this message"?)

Privatize Medicare? Give Wayne's right wing militias
Their chance to protect us from Medicare fraud?
Pit them against big criminal syndicates?
Should Feds like the FBI perhaps be outlawed?

Right wing militias are well armed and prepared
To dismantle D.C., except the Supreme Court.
Deals Wayne cut with Ginny and Liberty Central
Retain Justices' families and Kennebunkport.

It's important for SCOTUS to have the last word.
A great oligarchy requires "Hail to the Chief
Justice", who, as of this writing, still is John Roberts
With Clarence and Ginni for backup relief.

So how long till "the guys with the guns make the rules"?
How long can the Thomases convince "the guys"
That wingnut Republicans ought to be trusted,
Because that is who Wayne and their dues subsidize?

But don't be surprised if two-thousand and twelve
Is the year when Wayne LaPierre makes his move.
If Clarence and Ginni don't watch what they say,
SCOTUS could be an "agency" he'll disapprove.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Right Wing Militias and NRA Soulmates'
To 'Privatization Threatens Medicare and Social Security'
To '44 Charged in Huge Medicare Fraud Scheme'
To 'Group Allied With Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank
       Threatens Armed Insurrection'

To 'The Battle Cry of a Supreme Court Wife'
To 'Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues'
To 'SCOTUS: Supreme Court of the United States'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Scalia's Court'