"Wayne Teaches School"

(To suppress potential voters)

Higgeldy Piggeldy, count to ten
Wayne La Pierre is at it again.
"School's in session, take aim and shoot.
Shoot at the head and not the boot."

Kindergardens are harder and harder to enter
'Less you are old, bent, and getting benter,
Or are extremely short and don't show your age.
Then Wayne resorts to a different page

Of his manual showing all the good guns can do,
Like wiping out voters who possibly might
Grow up and mistakenly vote
For the progressive left instead of the right.

So Wayne is determined to nip that in the bud,
Pre-suppressing the vote to help in supporting
Obama's big fan, that old fuddy dud,
Mitch McConnell, whom Kentucky insists on exporting,
To give good old Wayne a shot in the dark
And several more in New York's Central Park.

So what's going to happen when they tire of hot air
And Wayne and Wayne's students don't wait
For the termination of Obama's stock prayer?

Bob Carlson

To 'Newtown, Conn.,
     School Shooting (Breaking Updates)'

To 'Mr. President, Time to Lead'
To 'Justice Dept. Studied and Shelved
     Ideas to Bolster Gun Database'

To 'The 5 Deadliest Guns
     You Can Buy Online — Legally'

To 'Newtown school shooter’s mother collected guns'
To 'NRA Newtown Mass Killings Verses'